Jingle Bells

Jingle Bells 
Jingle Bells 
Jingle all the way 
Oh what fun it is to ride 
 In a one horse open sleigh

Jingle Bells
 Jingle Bells
 Jingle all the way 
Oh what fun it is to ride
 In a one horse open sleigh

Dashing through the snow 
In a one horse open sleigh 
Over the fields we go 
Laughing all the way
 Bells on bop tails ring 
Making spirts bright
 What fun it is to 
Ride a sleighing song tonight

Udah 25 Desember artinya hari ini NATAL .Yey :D Selamat Natal 2012 dan tahun Baru 2013 biarlah damai dan sukacita natal menyertai kita semua . God Bless :)



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